Player protection code

Code of conduct of Swiss casinos for the protection of players

So that gaming doesn’t get out of hand.

People have been gaming since time immemorial. With games, we measure ourselves in terms of our skill, performance and luck. They transport us from everyday life into another world of joyful anticipation and entertainment. The vast majority of our guests enjoy spending time at and meeting other people in our physical casinos and the connected online casinos. But there are also people who go beyond their own limits when playing and hurt themselves and their environment. This doesn’t happen to many people, but even one person is one too many.
By granting the concessions to the casinos, the federal government has assigned us economic rights and linked these to responsible conduct. We, the casinos of Switzerland, are aware of this privilege and the responsibility that comes with it. We fully support the law and the intention of the legislators, which is why we implement effective and sustainable player protection.

We protect our guests

Player protection is an important foundation that has positive impacts in the long term. Effective player protection strengthens our image and secures long-term business success.

We don’t look the other way

It’s challenging to determine if and when you have excessive gaming behaviour or a gaming addiction. Nevertheless, nowadays there are many ways to identify at-risk players at an early stage, particularly online. Together with leading experts in gaming addiction research and technology (AI), we develop state-of-the-art methods for the early detection of at-risk individuals. It’s important to us to identify at-risk players and enter into a binding dialogue with them as early as possible, even when that risks losing them as customers.

A common code creates trust and protects against illegal offers

Effective and credible player protection requires transparency about our intentions and measures. All casinos in Switzerland have jointly adopted this code and declared it binding. It consists of the following specific measures.
With this code, we wish to set ourselves apart from illegal providers, in particular foreign online casinos that operate illegally in Switzerland, which do not offer player protection, violate the statutory provisions on player protection and do not pay OASI contributions. We must therefore consistently combat the illegal providers’ offers and advertising

1. We continuously train our employees.

Good player protection is based on many years of experience and broad expertise. That’s why we regularly and systematically exchange ideas within the industry, participate in research programmes and seek dialogue with experts. We pool this knowledge and train our employees so that they can identify at-risk players at an early stage. Our employees are aware of and support our approach.

Our measures

  • Every casino has particular employees who are specially trained in player protection and take responsible care.
  • All employees that have contact with guests receive training on player protection and yearly further training.
  • We work with universities to develop specialist training in player protection.
  • We organise regular experience exchanges and discuss best-practice measures to continuously improve player protection.


2. Our early detection is effective.

Unlike with illegal providers, the controlled environment of Swiss casinos allows players to be observed.

Effective early detection methods are vital for player protection, as they help us to identify at-risk players at an early stage and implement protective measures in good time. That’s why we rely on systematic methods and those supported by technology where possible, which we are constantly developing.

Our measures

  • We invest in researching and developing tools to improve the early detection of at-risk players.
  • Every casino sets criteria for the early detection of at-risk individuals, taking into account the different risks for physical and online casinos.
  • Our employees are trained to recognise critical behaviour at an early stage and to take appropriate action.
  • Online players are obliged to set a maximum bet or loss limit (per day, week or month).


3. We examine every situation carefully.

If early detection measures or other reasons require an assessment of players’ circumstances, we are obliged by law to intrude on our guests’ privacy and demand access to bank documents, pay slips, living circumstances, etc. This is necessary to make the right decision to protect players, which can go as far as an exclusion. Our motto is: as little as possible, as much as necessary.

Our measures

  • In order to balance gaming behaviour with financial opportunities, we need conclusive information. We make decisions solely on the basis of a careful and transparent analysis.
  • We attach the greatest possible importance to protecting our guests’ privacy and only request the minimum number of necessary documents, with the aim to make the right decision with as few documents as possible.
  • We ensure that the personal and financial information of guests is protected and used only for lawful purposes. We have clear guidelines for storing and processing player data in accordance with applicable data protection law.


4. We exclude people at risk from the game.

An exclusion is the most drastic measure we can take to protect at-risk players. Swiss casinos use them strictly to avoid the risk of gaming addiction or other negative circumstances for players. This significantly differentiates us from illegal providers, which do not guarantee player protection.

Our measures

  • We exclude players if we know or suspect that:

    • They are heavily indebted or unable to meet their financial obligations;

    • They place bets disproportionate to their income and assets;

    • They are addicted to gaming (based on a report from a specialist agency or social authority).
  • Anyone can request an exclusion at any time.
  • We check and exclude players if relatives, friends or third parties inform the casino that they are at risk or are playing beyond their financial means.
  • A casino exclusion automatically applies to all other physical and online casinos in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, as well as to the online games run by Swisslos and Loterie Romande.
  • All exclusions are entered in a common register (veto exclusion register). All casinos use an official identification document to check whether a person is allowed to game.
  • An exclusion applies for an indefinite period of time and can only be lifted if there is no longer any reason for it. A canton recognised specialist office is always part of the process for lifting an exclusion.


5. We offer special protection for young people.

Young people under the age of 18 are not allowed to play in physical and online casinos. Young adults aged 18 and over are particularly at risk of gaming beyond their financial means. We therefore take special measures to protect them.

Our measures

  • Young people under the age of 18 are consistently denied gaming access in physical and online casinos by means of checking an official ID
  • To protect young adults over the age of 18, online casinos set special criteria for investigations.
  • We do not advertise to young people under the age of 18.


6. We advertise cautiously.

Swiss casinos do not use intrusive or misleading advertising. Misleading messages, for example, convey that gains are not based on chance, that they can solve financial or personal problems, or that they can compensate for losses already suffered. Advertising aimed at minors and excluded individuals is prohibited.

Aggressive advertising comes from illegal foreign online casinos that do not offer player protection. Concessionary Swiss online casinos want to clearly differentiate themselves from these in terms of advertising.

Our measures

  • We refrain from TV advertising before 10 p.m.
  • Our advertising is not aimed at children and young people. Where technically possible, we exclude them from our advertising on social and electronic media.
  • We label advertisements for online casinos with a warning message (“Play responsibly”).
  • We point out in our advertisement that this is an approved Swiss online casino.


7. We regularly review the impact of our measures and work closely with specialist departments.

We monitor addiction research and incorporate new findings into our player protection plans. At the same time, we regularly review our measures’ effectiveness and adjust them if necessary. We regularly work with addiction centres to train our employees or to lift exclusions.

Our measures

  • As an industry as a whole, we regularly review the effectiveness of our player protection plans with the help of experts.
  • Every casino works with a cantonal-recognised specialist authority to lift exclusions.
  • The Swiss Casino Association has a permanent specialist group on player protection, which also includes external expert members.


8. Our actions are transparent.

Part of our responsibility and transparency is informing the public openly about the risks of gaming and enabling them to game safely. To this end, we offer private individuals, experts, authorities, politicians and the media comprehensive background information.

Our measures

  • We provide comprehensive information, assistance (tests and requests for exclusions) and background knowledge about casino gaming, player protection and gaming addiction on a shared internet platform
  • We provide our guests with an information flyer that gives them information on visiting the casino and the risks of gaming.
  • At least every five years, we run an information campaign to educate the public about the risks of gaming and ways to help.
  • We are committed to clearly and transparently communicating the game rules, chances of winning and return to play


9. Commitment

All Swiss casinos and online casinos have jointly adopted and declared binding this code for effective protection against gaming addiction and excessive gaming. The code is constantly being further developed.

Mendrisio, 1° February 2025