Won the CHF 352,000 Admiral Jackpot

A few months later, the Admiral Jackpot in the amount of CHF 352,620 was snapped up again! The last win had been recorded on Easter Day, that is, April 9, and the lucky player had won over 430,000 CHF. This time it was Mr. Antonio Giuliani, an Italian player, who, shortly after dinner, while playing […]

Root for Ambrì and play at Admiral Casino

The promotion “Roots for Ambrì and play at Admiral Casino” is active from September 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 and provides for the delivery of a promoticket worth 10 CHF for all those who present season tickets or tickets for Ambrì-Piotta home games after gaining access to Casino Admiral in Mendrisio, based on the […]

HC Ambrì-Piotta: a new love story

Field hockey Club Ambrì-Piotta and Casino ADMIRAL of Mendrisio announced at the impressive Admiral Poker Room a sponsorship agreement for the next 3 seasons with an option for an additional 3 years. Casino ADMIRAL will support HCAP as Gold Sponsor and will be present both on the ice of the Gotthard Arena and on the […]

Swiss Location: ‘excellence’ at the Casino Admiral

The Casino ADMIRAL Mendrisio, which was nominated in March for the Swiss Location Award along with 1,820 other locations, has been rated as one of the best ‘experience’ locations in Switzerland! The Mendrisiotto gambling house had been nominated in March 2023 and the news of the nomination for this important award was immediately greeted with […]

Support Ambrì and play at the Casino Admiral

Casino Admiral is the official sponsor of the Hockey Club Ambrì-Piotta for the 2023/2024 season. On the back of all Hockey Club Ambrì-Piotta paper tickets purchased there is a voucher that entitles those who present the ticket in one of the Casinò Admiral’s cashiers to receive a promoticket worth 10 CHF. HC Ambrì-Piotta subscribers can also […]

In Mendrisio the new Admiral Exclusive

Great news and proposals at the Admiral Mendrisio Casino! May 5 sees the birth of the Admiral Exclusive, an area where you can enjoy a high-level gaming experience characterized by high minimum bets and smoother game play. There are four tables in the Admiral Exclusive area and they apply the same rules and payout odds […]