In December 2’366’358 CHF of Jackpot!

Record December for the Admiral Casino! The Casino Mendrisio closes the year 2022 with a December with resounding numbers that recall the past glories of Ticino’s gambling houses. 56,314 visitors chose the Casino Admiral in December, 50% more than the previous year. The promotion “A Mendrisio ogni giorno è Natale” (“In Mendrisio every day is Christmas”) that ran from 1 to 24 December gave everyone who entered the Casino the chance to win game vouchers worth 10 and 50 CHF. During the 24 days of the promotion, the wheel was spun for no less than 15,614 spins and each of these spins corresponded to a ticket or a fantastic gadget from Admiral. During the promotion, 7,363 tickets worth CHF 10 were won, 520 CHF 50 tickets were won and a total of over CHF 98,000 in gift vouchers were won!
The promotion was a great success with both regular guests and Fox Town patrons who were on site and took advantage of it to enter the casino.
The World Cup promotion, in which Argentina triumphed, also ended in December. The final was followed by the Casino’s guests, who had an entire room dedicated to viewing and screens positioned in different areas of the casino.
The gaming offer was once again expanded: there are 338 slots at the Casino Admiral in Mendrisio and 57 slot jackpots available (including the Admiral Jackpot). Numbers that will continue to grow over time to give guests the best possible gaming offer. Adding to the list of new slots were the Zitro slots with their “Wheel of Legends” jackpot, which have been very successful from day one. December was a month of big winnings, as the available jackpots paid out winnings totalling 2’318’893 CHF, including the Admiral Jackpot, which ‘gifted’ a lucky poker player with a payout of CHF 438,000. It didn’t end there, as the progressive jackpot of €47,465 was also snapped up at the Black Jack tables.
The Christmas period brought with it further changes both outside and inside the Casino, as the façade was painted red for the Christmas promo period and gold for the New Year’s period, and inside was decorated with three Christmas trees, one of which was 5 metres high, all in the ‘Admiral’ style. This was the setting for the Christmas and New Year’s Days, which were sold out with more than 3,000 daily visits.
The Casino’s commitment to the territory was not lacking even during the Christmas period. The Management attended both the Mendrisiotto Turismo members’ meeting and the Christmas aperitif offered by the team directed by Mrs Fontana-Lupi, at which representatives of the Mendrisiotto area were present.